Potential Order Delay

Potential Order Delay

Please be advised, your upcoming order may be delayed. You will receive a notification from UPS once your order ships.


Last week storms devastated communities throughout the midwest. Our hearts go out to the families who were affected, as they begin the process of rebuilding.


C.S. Lewis once said, “Hardships often prepare ordinary people for an extraordinary destiny”, we believe this to be absolutely true. Not to minimize the devastation of this situation, but as a reminder that our greatest opportunities for growth are always during times of troubling adversity.


Our Kansas City kitchen was hit by one of these massive storms and sustained significant damage. Since Sunday morning, our team has worked around the clock to repair the facility. Fortunately, most orders will be uninterrupted and delivered on schedule.


Check out this video to see the damage in real time at FlexPro HQ:

If you have any concerns, please reach out to our awesome customer service team during business hours 9-5 CST.


We look truly appreciate your patience during this time. Thank you for being a part of the FlexPro Fam.


— Your FlexPro Family

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